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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Hair Raising Question For You

Emi has always had issues with her hair. She was born with a lot of it and, over her year and a half lifetime, she's had many bad hair days.

My "go to" hairstyle has always been the clippie. I'd put her hair in a clip everyday and we would be good to go. However, Emi has recently decided that she doesn’t want any clips in her hair, so she takes them out and drops them wherever we may be. Today we lost two of them. Annoying, especially since I just learned how to make them.

As much as I would love to not do her hair and just let her be au natural, it doesn't seem like a viable option. To give you a better idea of what I’m dealing with, here's some photos of my hairy situation:

Here is Emi after she just woke up. Clearly she looks like she should be in a grunge video. This is pretty much how she looks when I take her to daycare.

Her sitter does her hair almost everyday. Although it’s not my style, Emi is glad to have her hair out of her face.

Yet, at the end of the day when I take her hair out it looks like this! Lots and lots of volume.

So my question to you is: bangs or no bangs? Some people say bangs are perfect for little girls, and others have told me that they are very high maintenance, once you start you must be committed.

I am not sure. They seem to work for Suri...

On the other hand, Shiloh's coif looks very stylish without them!

Just like American Idol, Emi's future haircut will depend on your vote. I'll post the results at a later date. I'm hoping you'll be able to give me some insight and share any experiences you've encountered with bangs. I also figure Emi can blame all of you when she is older and in therapy due to her horrible hairstyles as a child.


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jesse said...

Awwwhhh Emiiiiii!!! *Reaches out to pinch computer screen* I vote for bangs! Please post more pics of her once you've decided on a different hairstyle!

peewee said...

She is the cutest thing ever! Those baby pics are a scream! I vote for hair craziness...makes the day more fun. unless you want to be trimming her bangs every week. besides Suri has NOTHING on Emi!

Deb said...

I had to give Princess bangs, and they're adorable. She has straight, fine, limp hair that grows forward, so there was no way to keep it out of her eyes without cutting it. I think your Emi will look very cute with bangs.

The Blonde Duck said...

I love all that hair! So cute!

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

Okay, why is your baby just, like, the cutest little cherub?!!! Leave her hair alone--it's adorable just the way it is!

Thanks for stopping by MyBrownBaby... and certainly for the lovely comments. Come by often, k? And I'll do the same!

Mainly a midwife said...

I think her hair is adorable. We go without bangs...but Katie doesn't always keep the clip in. Cute clip too!

Brooks said...

that is the most beautiful hair ever! I love it!

Bridget said...

I love her hair! When I saw the first pic I thought she looked like Suri. I'm not sure about bangs... I cut my daughters when she was about two and I forever struggled with them and JUST NOW got them grown out. She is seven.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I can't help with this one. I was born with natural curly hair and I've had a bad hair for my entire life.

Emi is soooo adorable..I love the wild hair..maybe it matches her personality? I know mine matches me. HA! Well maybe that's not such a good thing.

Francesca, what's missing from my blog?

Brooke said...

WOW, she is just so cute! We go without bangs here, it just seems easier. I am lazy. My daughter has naturally curly hair that gets out of control most days, and I think bangs would make it worse. I have no idea what to do for a little girl with straight hair!

B said...

Love the second picture, she's looking like a darling and adorable version of the bride of Frankenstein.

And Francesca, SO have been missing you. Glad you liked your birthday present since you may be getting the same thing for Christmas, and so pleased you stopped in for a chuckle again.

Tulip Row said...

I had the same issues as you, so Fiona had bangs for her first 2 1/2 years of life, then I had to grow them out (hard) and cut her hair short (a little sad) to get it all one length. Now she is 4 1/2 and able to put her hair behind her ear or something if it bugs her. I think I really like it better this way. But hey, whatever you do, it will always grow back!

Be Brave, Keep Going said...

I'm sorry, you're just plain guilty! Guilty of having the cutest baby/toddler/daughter EVER (well, except mine of course:))! I pratically squeeled out loud at the computer screen when I saw the photos!

I vote no bangs...I gave my daughter bangs to control her flyaway mess, and it didn't help a whole lot - but she's still cute bangs or no.

Jo said...

Bangs or no bangs, that little girl is very cute.
Personally I like bangs. They are not high maintence, since they only need to be trimmed every six weeks or so, and you can do it yourself. I am not fond of hair in faces, so bangs are my fave.

Laura said...

These are the best pictures and I am pretty sure that I look just like this in the mornings. I say no bangs. Her hair looks as thick as mine so to get them calm I need to blow dry them down.

And this is perfect as it's the Under the Sheets-Shhh 100th post anniversary. Yeah!

theUngourmet said...

Glad to see you over at my blog today! Those photos are just the cutest! My daughter wanted to have bangs so we cut them but her hair has curl and her bangs like to "twang" out on the sides and she hates it! I think your cute little one will look great either way! Have a great day!

Riddle Girl said...

She would be cute either way!
My girls are one of each(bangs and no bangs) and both ways you still have wild morning hair and hair in the face.
But I agree with commentor "Jo", it is a pain to maintain the bangs. My daughter's grow so fast I have to trim them every 4 weeks.

Kathy B! said...

Those baby pictures are perfection!

I vote for no bangs. And I think her hair is fabulous. She's gonna be a total knockout... get ready :)

Meg said...

Bangs. Definitely.

Anonymous said...

She is just sooo cute!! I think she'll look adorable in bangs!!

PS. Yes I am from Louisiana. New Orleans to be exact! *Big Smile*

Screamin' Mama said...

I'm going to say no to bangs. They are high maintenance and look worse on bad hair days. Can you make a tiny side pony to keep the hair out of her face?

Barbaloot said...

Bangs or not---that is a beautiful child! I'm all for au natural...but I also am probly the least knowleagable person when it comes to hair, so I'd take that with a grain of salt.

forever folding laundry said...

Ugh, I'm having the same struggles here with Avery. Let me know what you decide. Maybe we can get a BOGO deal on two first haircuts? =)

More Than Words said...

Oh my gosh..her hair was/is exactly how my oldest daughters was when she was a baby and toddler!! When she was one, we had bangs on her. It made the world of difference!! I think it also depends on her hair. If it is thick enough, it will look super cute! My daughter had an angled pixie cut w/ bangs and got compliments all the time!! Love bangs!

Ally said...

Love the hair!
Does she complain about her hair? I'd go without bangs.

With bangs, they're gonna be in her face all the time. No going back if she starts complaining about the hair in her face.

Lori said...

Nooooooo! Stop! Don't do it!!!!!

My three-year-old has bangs. I long for the coif. And it's not because I want what I can't have... I deeply regret the bangs. Now I'm stuck with the bangs. The bangs torture me. I hate the bangs.


tiarastantrums said...

LOVE her hair - my daughter was bald _ YES BALD until her third birthday - her hair is still so fine and short and she HATES any sort of clip

NovelTeaMommy said...

She'll rock the style whatever you decide, but personal experience says no bangs. Bangs don't always lay like they should, so you won't be getting ahead. Wait for her to make that decision for herself, then you're off the hook : )

Breanne said...

I vote for bangs! I absolutely LOVE the bangs & bob look on little girls. Shiloh's hair doesn't look like it grows forward, but it looks like maybe Emi's does? Taya has never kept any barret or hair band or anything in her hair - EVER! So I determined that she had to have bangs, otherwise it's just in her face and never has a way to look good. If you cut them, start out by cutting them a little longer than you would think at first - because by the time you even them out, they'll look too short! Or at least I had this problem last night when I ironically just trimmed Taya's bangs again. They look a little short and funny today, but I know within a few days, they'll look blended and fine.

Anyway, that's my call :)

Breanne said...

Oh yeah, and Francesca - what was missing? Something was missing in addition to your comments? Which made me smile by the way today :)

Laura said...

Ah Francesca: I think we should even guest post and tie all of our San Francisco in together. What if I wrote about my child development experience and answered some reader questions?

Unknown said...

First of all, your daughter is GOR-GEE-OUS!!! Grunge hair or not, she is such a cutie.
I've got one girl with bangs, and one that I'm trying to grow out. Growing out the bangs is definitely more of a pain. You do have to keep bangs trimmed, but that's not too bad. Keeping the little one's hair out of her eyes is practically a full time job!

Sarah said...

OH Man - love her hair - in all it's stages. And I'm a tiny bit jealous that at 18 months she's has about twice the hair my 22 month old has! ;) I also love her clippies!

I'm going to vote no bangs, because they are high maintenance, IMO. And because crazy baby hair is the cutest thing ever.

Sheryl said...

What a cute picture ! ! !

My Vote: No bangs. what a doll.

debi9kids said...

Your Emi is like my Emma. Freaky hair and very stubborn. My Emma keeps NOTHING in her hair longer than 5 minutes. UGH!
We gave Emma bangs and it was the best thing i ever did :)

Pietro Brosio said...

For Francesca

Francesca, many thanks for your kind words about my blog! I'm glad to have discovered your site, made by you three friends: it's really very nice.
Have a good week!

Helene said...

Awwww, she's adorable either way...she has such a beautiful face that I didn't even really focus on her hair! I say go for the side-swept look....you're really taking a risk with bangs because inevitably they always end up being cut way too short.

wendy said...

i vote for bangs - you rocked the bangs & that is sooo your hair.

ymk said...

She is gorgeous, and I vote for crazy hair. Don't tame something that's so beautifully wild.

ymk said...

I gave my girl bangs when she was two, and it takes maintenance.

jennykate77 said...

Sh3's just beautiful!!! I say let her hair just be natural. I'm thinking the bangs would be high maintenance. I think she looks adorable just the way she is!

Nancy said...

I don't have the answer for you (since I have all boys!) and if I were to try to put a "clip" in their hair, I'd have mutiny on my hands, but I have to say that she was the most precious baby girl!!!!! I LOVE her hair!!! :D

Unknown said...

Those baby pictures are to die for! I love that messy hair! I've had a hard time with bangs. I don't like them on myself, and I just grew my daughter's bangs out. I prefer it all one length.

Aquaspce said...

I love her hair! I say no bangs... I had to give Piper bangs once and it was absolutely the ugliest thing I ever did to her. Just wait a few more months when her hair gets a little longer it'll lay flatter eventually :)

Amy said...

I am a person who really does not like the bang thing. I say do what you feel is right. I love her hair. My little one is finally getting some hair also.

Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Bangs are hot, you want your little girl to be hot, right?!

What good mother wouldn't?? ;)

I vote bangs, but DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CUT THEM YOURSELF....promise me, k?


Anonymous said...

Francesca, I gave you a starring role on my blog...

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

She is adorable.

I love bangs on little girls though. I can see she is blessed with gorgeous, full hair.

Together We Save said...

So cute. I vote for bangs.

Esther said...

Bangs. I gave my Emma bangs and I'm so happy I did.
Those baby pictures are TOOOO cute. I love sticking up baby hair!

Unknown said...

No BANGS. Trust me on this one- they take forever to grow out and Emi's hair is beautiful!

Brandi said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! It was a definite treat to see you there!

I will say I have two daughters. One with bangs, one without. Both HAD bangs, but we decided last year to let my oldest all grow one length again. It fits her. My daughter with bangs, though...wouldn't look right without bangs. Bangs fir her. If you get what I am saying. I say for now have her hair styled however you find it easiest to deal with. When she gets a bit older she will let you know if she wants bangs or not. Either way she is a gorgeous little girl, who has a wonderfully bright smile!

I am Harriet said...

Thanks for stopping by Sited and Blogged. Sorry about the comment issue on my site...I may have to change this.

Have a great day!

Cathy said...

Oh, that is nothing! My daughter goes to bed with little ringlets, and wakes up looking like a rat has made a nest in her hair...or, HA-YER, as she calls it. :)

I would go with no bangs. I absolutely LOVED the first couple of pictures...too sweet!

rebel said...

Lookin' at your Emi is like lookin' at my granddaughter and daughter when they were her age and the baby pictures look like my granddaughter did. Lots and lots of black hair. Bangs worked good for both girls and when they were older and wanted them grown out, clips worked well or some type of head bands.

Biosilk has a product that you use a tiny amount, rub between hands and smooth over hair, works wonderfully. Hair is instantly tame and shiny.

Emi is beautiful, and she looks adorable and I bet no matter what you decide on, she will still be gorgeous!

Connie said...

She is absolutely adorable!! Ask Emi how she wants her hair :) Show her the pics on your blog (or other pics) and see what she likes - it could be interesting.

My 8yo son has long hair because I've always let him choose. I didn't plan it - I'm a former Army SGT! - but the benefit has been a boost to his self-confidence. My rule is keep it clean, neat, and combed and he will keep the choice. He has. And if anyone comments that he has 'long hair like a girl', well, he'll calmly and politely correct them, 'no, I have long hair like a boy'.

Tammy said...

I'm no help. I like both. I leave it up to my little girl in our house. If she wants bangs, she gets them. If she doesn't, we let her hair grow out. Thanks for stopping by my site.

Anonymous said...

I vote for no bangs. Kids can get away with crazy hair! But, bangs are high maintenance and I hate the look of bangs over the eyes. It's one thing to have long hair that covers your face sometime, but another to have bangs that obviously need to be trimmed. You think you can trim them yourself, but if you are like me, you will end up with a choppy look! LOL

mommy4life said...

This is a hard one. We had a problem here too. A friend's little one had to have a clippie removed from her airway after swallowing it. So, when our GiGi started taking them out and putting them in her mouth we had bangs cut. I LOVE being able to see her adorable eyes! I do agree that they are a pain to maintain and grow out later, but I still think - go for the BANG (s)!

love said...

Sherrlyn of http://www.lovesimplyhappens.blogspot.com says...
ohhh I see why I haven't heard from you...lots of comments and such a cutie you have. How fun keep it wild!

Lisa B. said...

IMHO, if you cut her hair into bangs they will be forever sticky straight up. With all that volume, leaving the bangs uncut, I would think would help weigh the hair down. Maybe using a hair serum would be beneficial.

Anonymous said...


I know right!? The suri is adorable!

Beth Cotell said...

My daughter had bangs at a very early age and it require lots of trips keeping them trimmed and out of her eyes. Your daughter would look great either way but my vote is no bangs!

Katie Lane said...


Lorraine @NotQuiteNigella said...

I say bangs! :) She is so adorable and my sister had the exact same thing when she was a baby and now has really thick hair.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Hi! I'm new here but have seen you on several other blogs I read.

Emi is too cute! You want to talk about crazy hair...my oldest son has insane hair (because he has a serious phobia of haircuts).

I'm voting for no bangs.

Counselormama said...

Love the hair! More is better in my opinion!

Anonymous said...

I am not falling for this. I refuse to bear any responsibility for Emi's haircut.

Melissa said...

I think she'd be totally adorable either way! I had the same problem with my little girl when she decided to pull out her clips so I caved and cut her bangs when I really wanted to keep them growing out. I kept trying the clips every now and then, and when she decided she would keep them in again, we started growing them out and now they are nice and long! If you aren't willing to sacrifice the clips to the world of lost things for awhile, I'd go with the bangs for a bit!

Jenni said...

I have a baby niece with hair JUST LIKE THAT! I love it!

I would try bangs!

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

SO cute - she looks adorable with the clips, but there's no making them do anything, is there? Still, I like the crazy hair - it's so fun.

penguinsandladybugs said...

I love the baby hair....I vote for the bangs!

Sandy said...

Her hair is gorgeous! Bangs worked for my daughter when she decided to no longer wear hair clips. It was way easier than fighting with her to keep her hair up. Whatever you decide, I'm sure it will be adorable:0)

Anonymous said...

BUT...Have you ever noticed that Suri's bangs are usually crooked or cut too far back into her sides? Before you decide on anything, you need to look at her hairline...does she have cowlicks? Cowlicks=Something About Mary hair. Also, do you think she will hold still to have bangs cut? One wrong move and she could end up with dork bangs! And once you cute bangs, you are stuck with bangs...if her hair in her face gets on your nerves now, imagine trying to grow out bad bangs!

Just my professional opinion ;)

Anonymous said...

OH MY! She is precious! I just want to hug her. Bangs are adorable on little ones. However, having joined the bang craze a little over a year ago. They really are a lot to keep up with. I was so glad when mine finally grew out. I have hair that is high maintenance as well.

Anonymous said...

Bangs, no bangs....I can't help you. Jade hair is very curly and I keep it in twists most of the time.
But what I can tell you is that Em is just about the cutest thing ever!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Cuh-utie!!!! Ok...now...bangs...need trimmed frequently and you may have cowlick issues....Cat has bangs...well, Frankenbangs that are growing out from her recent self inflicted bang trimming...

They are high maintenance and I am letting them grow out! I just can't take the trimming pressure anymore! lol!

Anonymous said...

I think she should have bangs!! She is ADORABLE!! At least with bangs it may keep her hair a little bit in control. hehe

AndreaLeigh said...

so cute! i love the hair as is. you can do a lot more without bangs.

Becky said...

Oh, wow I LOVE her hair! I am so jealous! My daughter keeps being mistaken for a boy because she has thin blonde hair and very little of it.
I vote no bangs :)

Nana said...

This is a hard one. Just go ahead and give her bangs. I say this because one day she is going to find the scissors and well, she will have some sort of wacky looking bangs. Trust me I have had two daughters.

Oh, and I also want to say they always seem to cut their hair the night before picture day at school.

susette said...

What a beautiful little girl!! Wow. My little girl was bald until she was about six. She looks great both with bangs or with out. How fun.

PS-I did win my trip to Connecticut. I get to go meet a friend I met through blogging. It should be so much fun.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi.

Jules AF said...

Oh my gosh. Those baby pictures are adorable! Her hair is so cute!

Jennifer said...

Ugh, you're asking the wrong person about bangs! I still can't figure mine out! One thing's for sure, bangs on a little baby are great, until they start to grow out. Personally, I think I prefer no bangs. I like that Whoville hairstyle. ;-)

Jenni said...

Oh my goodness, first I have to say that your little girl is BEYOND adorable. she is soooooooo cute and she brought a huge smile to my face just looking at her cuteness.

Wow, I say go for bangs! It's less hair in the face right? But I dunno....without bangs its so easy to pull it all back into a ponytail.

Cakelaw said...

Emi is just gorgeous - there are many people who would love to have all that hair! I think if bangs are high maintenance, it's easier to go without.

Anonymous said...

Please don't do the asian bangs haircut where they go like straight across. Bangs must be loose, flowy and awesome.

PS, kid's cute. And that's a HUGE statement for me to be making.

Technodoll said...

oooo! bangs! if you call them fringes, it's easier to upkeep apparently. *giggle*

Julie said...

She looks precious without bangs. I think bangs are high maintenance & if she fusses when getting her hair cut, it's not a good idea. But bangs are cute on little girls...

I'm torn.

tammy said...

Oh my goodness, she is adorable!

AiringMyLaundry said...

She is so cute!

My daughter has a lot of hair and I just use clips to pull it back. I'm trying to grow out her bangs.

So I vote to just keep using a clip :)

tiburon said...

She has got to be the cutest kid ever!!!

Way cuter than my kids.

Anonymous said...

I vote for no bangs, bangs are too high maintenance for a little girl:)

tiburon said...

Oh and I totally love bangs. Just look at my kids :)

I kind of fell in love with the little girl in Three Fugitives when I was a kid and wanted to have a little girl with hair like that. I got Avery :)

Debbie said...

Now this is too much pressure. I can't be expected to decide the fate of one so adorable. Or help pay for her therapy if I screw her up.

Felicia - I complete Me said...

No Bangs!!! I don't know how high maintenance bangs really are, but you don't want to find out. I would say leave her hair the way it is. It looks so good. By the way, like someone said, kids can get away with crazy hair.

amanda said...

i personally love no bangs. it's just easier for my three girls. well i should say two. the one hardly has ANY hair. i can't believe the hair on your little emi! she's such a cutie

Jan Holt said...

I vote for the "let the hair just continue to grow wild so the child won't continue to grow wild" option.

She's just too darn adorable whatever you pick.

Happy Wednesday!

peewee said...

I just came to this blog entry AGAIN for the millionth time because seeing those pics make me laugh and happy...each one....but today it's the one her sitter did that made me laugh hard. THANKS!!!

Grand Pooba said...

Oh I am so jealous of that hair! She is so dang cute! I'm goin with bangs, maybe it'll help with the what to do with this hair dilema!

Heather of the EO said...

NO BANGS...Suri can only rock them because they have "people"

I mean, unless you have people, who wants to keep up with the cuts? Just sayin'

Kristen Andrews said...

aaah her hair is so cute, that pic of her posing is a hoot, I think I saw it before here.

jules1219 said...

She is precious...crazy hair and all! I would way, go for the bangs...but it depends on her hairline - if she has a lot of cowlicks then it won't lay down against her forehead like perfect little Suri's does. Have a hair stylist look at it or comb some down where her bangs would be and see if it lays flat first!
Hope that helps!

The High Family said...

My daughter has the same hair issue! I want to cut her bangs so bad but feel at 9 months old, I can't cut away her baby hair just yet!

I vote for the Shiloh look...too darn cute!

Good luck and I love her barrettes!

Eve said...

Her hair may be a little wild, but just look at that SMILE!!! What a CUTIE!!!
I vote that either way would be adorable!

Leslie said...

My daughter has hair to her backside and does not have bangs!

Megan said...

Such a cutie!! I say no bangs.

Peaches said...

I'm a two-girl no bang mom myself.

I do love a cute hairclip!!

Love the photo montage of Emi!

Unknown said...

Hi Kacey,
It's Michelle next door:) I vote for bangs, that way you don't have to stress about it:)