I didn't mean to teach him the word sexy. Sometimes when we strip him down for his bath, I jokingly say to my husband, "Oh, someone is getting sexy." Well, of course he picked that word up right away. It's a fun word to say, I suppose.
Last week, when M saw me change my blouse in front of him, he exclaimed, "Sexy!" (I guess I am too sexy for my shirt.) Of course, my husband and I got a big laugh out of it and thought maybe we should phase out the word "sexy" because it is indeed strange for a kid with a limited vocabulary to say. We thought we'd phase it out slowly and just correct him whenever he used it.
Who knew I wouldn't get the chance? Last Saturday, while in the middle of our local library's story time, the little girl in front of us spilled juice on her t-shirt. While her mom was changing her shirt, my son proceeded to say "Sexy!" I was absolutely mortified! I was fully prepared to give an excuse that sexy is somehow a new Vietnamese word that M just learned. Luckily for me, no one asked. The look of shame on my face was apparently enough.
We aren't bringing sexy back, that's for sure!!
Oh my gosh, that is so funny! I had to tell my husband about it...that is a CLASSIC story!
Oh my goodness that is too funny! My nephew used to say Damn-a... instead of Damnit because thats what his grandma would say.. it was very funny but my sister-in law was mortified.. but I think if I heard a kid say Sexy I think I would bust a gut.
OK, Thuy, that is seriously funny!! M's a ladies man already. You're in big trouble!
That's hilarious!
I seriously can't stop laughing at this! I would have been absolutely mortified, but probably would have burst out laughing from pure embarrassment! Thanks for sharing - I needed a good laugh today :).
That is too funny! When my son started learning more words he had trouble saying the "tr" sound and of course he loved trucks - he would replace the "tr" with an "f" - so you can imagine how that came out! All vehicles no matter how big or small were cars until he learned that "tr" sound.
too cute!!! good luck with "phasing" it from his vocab.
my brooke told me the other day i was "stinking hot"...guess that was a compliment!
Bus gentle sexy...those are really all the words anyone needs!
Great story!
That is so funny! I can see how you would be embarassed, but if I'd heard it, I wouldn't be able to wait to call my hubby and tell him "this hilarious thing a kid said today".
Our of the mouths of babes....
Tee hee hee. That was great. It's so funny how things that are really cute and "sexy" behind close doors are embarrassing in front of them! Too cute.
Winks & Smiles,
That is possibly the most awesome story I've ever heard.
that is so funny - and cute!!
Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee (laughing shamelessly without regret)!!!!!!
Well that is just great. And so funny!
That is so great!!!
That is so funny! That's worse than when my sister called her Invisible Friend, (whose name was Caca) in every store we went to at the top of her lungs!
I just read a post from someone who tried to teach her 2 year old to say "truck" and now he's dropping F bombs everywhere.
You're doing alright. :-)
That's too funny! I almost peed my pants! Really, I really dod almost pee my pants!
First I'd like to say thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you enjoyed it and visit again.
Secondly, that is too funny. It's making me think about the things I say to my 7 month old. When I give him his bath I say aww sexy baby. He may end up saying that. So I think I may stop, but he smiles every time I say it.
OMG! That is too funny! I can only imagine the look on the other moms faces! Maybe they didn't realize he was saying "sexy".
always open minded to new songs !!! thanks for sharing! and I really like my !!!!!! don't you?
oooohhhhh gosh that is sooooo funny!
Love it. When my little one takes her p.j.'s off she says, (OOH) and smiles and opens them up because they are the foot ones and tries to flash us
Ah... the things we inadvertantly teach our children so that they can repeat them at the most inopportune times :)
When I was a kid my family was meeting at our church for a wedding reception. When we got there the door was locked and a group of people had gathered waiting for the door to be opened. Apparently, my 2 year old self kicked the door and said "Damn door!" My family still laughs about it today.
Lol, so funny! I would have been mortified, too, but it's kinda cute, hehe.
We've recently had to pay more attention to what we say as our daughter has started copying practically EVERYTHING we say all of a sudden. I say Crap a lot and I swear I heard her say it the other day :S They pick up so much!!!
I am so sorry that I am sitting here howling at your embarrassment. But, that was screaminlgy funny.
Very funny! You'll love telling that story to his girlfriends when he is 16 or so. Better yet, do a whole scrapbook page about it.
Reminds me of the time my son pointed at the wine display at the store and yelled, LOOK YOUR FAVORITE!
That's so cute!
Oh this was TOO funny! Looks like you and I both had the '80's on the brain today!
too cute!
awe the wonderful thigns that come out of their precious moouths!! thats great!!
I think it is a fun word to say! My 5 yr old daughter came home from a play date and said, "hey mom! Do you want to play sucksy girl?" I was like, what is sucksy? She said, "you know, like you dance in a pretty way."..oh man!
Holy crap! That's funny!
You should see the embarrassing tale told on my friend, Megan's blog right now - if you're curious, go to my friend list - to Megan. It is another hilarious story!
Sexy Sexy!! (Tyler might remember when I was little & he and our other brothers & sisters would say Woo!Woo! when I would get out of the bath tub, etc., & I would say - "Don't say woo!" in my whiny little kid voice)
Wow! That's almost worse than if he'd learned a cuss word. I think people are fairly understanding of how kids pick those up, but sexy is just an entirely different ball of wax.
Too funny!
OH my! That is too funny. And cute!
I know, totally WRONG of me, but it gives me great humor when they pick up stuff like that!
Baby chicklet yells out "Crack kills" everytime she sees someone's butt crack. Which really shouldn't be an awful lot, but in this house....
I cannot stop laughing! I'm imagining his cherubic face saying 'sexy' whenever someone loses their clothing! LOL!
that is classic! Hilarious! You need to get a video of that before you phase it out.
Thats aamzingly adorbale!
Way too funny! Did any of those moms laugh? I'd have such a hard time keeping a straight face. that is classic.
Ha HA LOL that's funny, he'll love to hear that story when he grows up!
That is priceless!!
He'll be saying it enough in a few years (okay, maybe more like 12...) so maybe if you let him ru with it now he'll be over it by the time he hits the teenage years. Just think... a teenager uninterested in the sexy. YOu might be on to something!
Awesome. I now have a new word to teach to my neices and nephews:)
oh no!!!! that is way to cute!!!!!
you have to at least get it on video.....for later in life!!!!
ya know when you can really embarrass him!!!!
he is such a little cutie!!!!!
bwahahaha!! That is HILARIOUS!! You totally made me LOL. ha!
That is so funny. It is always cute when they do it at home, but when they break it out in public is when it gets a little crazy!!
AWWWWW. Too funny. I wish my dogs said cute stuff to embarrass me. They just drag my dirty underwear around the house when company is here. blah.
They alway pick up the things that we do not want them to. My daughter keeps saying the "S" word. This is one of five words she has. I satill keep thinking that she is just saying sit but the older girls are sure to poit out what it sounds like.
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Oh my gosh...definitely one of those moments where you want the earth to open up and swallow you whole!!!! But it is a funny story for sure!
I would of died laughing:)
Oh My Gosh!! That is so embarrassing! That is definitely one for the baby book!
OMG I hope you wrote that down in a book. That is hillarious and will be so nice to pull out teen years! LOL
I say bring it back ... LOL
What a great idea!!! I should have "trained" my daughter to say sexy whenever I changed...Imagine the ego boost. Don't pretend you didn't train him.
LOL!!!! It's so funny how much our kids pick up from us!!
And that song brings back memories!!
Hahaha! Kids seem to say exactly what you don't want them to!
BAHAHA!! Thank you for the laugh and the new word...Gibnamese. It's very sexy.
Kids say the darndest things at the darndest times, huh?! :)
I think that 'real' moms know and understand that kids will say the most inconvenient things at times. I would have giggled! I don't think it improves as they get older... my 5yo yelled across the pool to me the other day, as she was showing off her swimming tricks. "Hey Mom! See if you can see my BUTT!" Fortunately, we were surrounded by real moms.. not sure what people in the surrounding neighborhood thought though.
That is hysterical! A story for the baby book, for sure!
thanks for stopping by my blog!!! you're right - i am a rebel... sounds like you might be raising one, too ;).
Ha! At the library, of course - where else would he embarass you? :) How awkward and funny!
Aaah, at least it isn't the F-bomb, which my little one was quite fond of. I blame my husband.
Kidz, you gotta love em.
LOL! I can totally relate! Once upon a time at Olive Garden, my then 5 yr old daughter embarrassed us this way! I innocently made the statement "Guess what Daddy and I are doing later?" (meaning we were cleaning up the yard...) She pipes up, "Sharing true love's kiss? Sex?" WHAT?????? I didn't even know she knew that word! (for the record, she thought it meant to hug! lol!) All the patrons and our waitress thought it was hilarious...us...not so much...lol!
LMAO! HIlarious!
Love this!!! Hilarious!! It's amazing the things kids pick up on, and the wonderful moments they decide to use it!!!
Oh my goodness! I'm laughing so hard...out of empathy. You are laughing too, right?
Really that's too funny.
Your son's totally pimmmmpin!
... I don't even know what that means.
HAHAHAHAHA... I'm guessing the other mom has been in a similar situation. If it had been me in her place, I would have laughed my head off!!!
Too funny for sure! Stop by my blog I have left you an award there!
That is too funny!!! Not just that he says sexy, but that he says it when people are undressing!!
Too funny!! That is something that would happen to me! HA! I laughed so hard, then my little toddler joined me, of course he didn't have a clue as to what i was laughing about. I didn't want to repeat the word and he's just learning new words too!
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