I even came across a descriptor for those whose life may be taking a backseat to the computer…clickers.
You too may be a clicker if your life sounds anything like this:
I eat in haste to get back to my computer. Sometimes, I even neglect to eat at all or to drink sufficient water.
I rarely get dressed.
I log onto the computer in the morning, and before I know it, the day has passed.
Everyday chores feel like drudgery.
I have recently noticed that I think in a new pattern of short, choppy sentences.
Addiction, compulsion? My response is a resounding no. If you have taken the on-line blogging addiction quiz and your results range only in the 60-70th percentile range, there is something wrong. In my opinion, you should re-consider your commitment to the internet and spend more time, not less, on the computer.
Here is why:
1. To achieve flawlessly beautiful skin.

Since I became much more committed to posting and commenting, I rarely leave the house. This eliminates my having to worry about harmful UV rays, holes in the ozone layer, and skin cancer entirely.
2. Blogging is guaranteed to help you lose weight.
It is true! Eating is simply too time-consuming for a serious blogger. I have found that I am to sustain myself for days on end through the power of energy drinks and M&Ms.
3. To be a more worldly and better informed individual.Everything you need to know may be found on the internet. Not only do I find that I am more up-to-date on current events, but people seem fascinated by what I have to say. Case in point: The Superficial is my one-stop source for all breaking news events. Over the course of the past three days alone, I have learned that Paris Hilton is bringing back the bedazzled look, Joaquin Phoenix is launching a rap career, and Kim Kardashian is making an exercise video. Gripping!
4. It is your civic responsibility.If my kids decide that they are not going to take a nap during the day, I often find myself having to cut out sleep entirely from my routine. During very late night and early morning blogging, I can now be a one-woman crime fighting force. Should local thugs decide to rob our car or mug my neighbor again, I am now awake and can be dialing 9-1-1 so fast that even McGruff the Crime-Fighting Dog would be proud.
I hope your neighborhood appropriately appreciates your crime fighting efforts.
One of the upsides of being a single blogger---it keeps me from going out and being social where I might meet someone worthwhile.
I love your list! You are so right.
lol. too cute!! and absolutely true...sometimes...
Absolutely...I'll also add this: A blogging mommy stimulates a child's creative side. While I'm blogging I never know what creative art project Katie may come up with. Two days ago she, apparently, had enough time to glue "shiny" things on her flip-flops..the flat part that she slides her feet on.
Wouldn't it also foster a sense of independence in your kids too?
The guilt has entirely evaporated! I feel bedazzled! Oh, yay!!
I occasionally come across a do-able recipe or household tip on a blog.
That's my housekeeping justification. heh.
Those are some seriously good reasons to be a clicker. And my score for the quiz was only 67%. I need to get clicking!
I was just remembering the days when maybe I did not even go on the computer at all! That was before blogging & Facebook! Now I am limiting my blog reads to the ones I have on my scroll. If one more family member of mine decides to blog they are out of luck, I am not reading! Ha ha... of course I will!
What a hoot! I suppose I am a clicker some days. Other days, I hardly go near the computer.
My problem is that I eat gallons of ice cream while blogging, so losing weight isn't really working.
I have to take the test but dirty diapers need to be cleaned first.
Thanks for writing this...I feel like I must blog/comment to make someone else feel loved that day. It's my civic duty! :)
I was on the verge of thinking I spent too much time blogging Francesca, but you helped me see the value in it. Thank you!
LOL...LOVED this...oh and i am 84% addicted guess that makes me a clicker
Hahahaha just what I needed to hear! I am in the clicker club for sure :).
That's cute! I'm not quite a clicker....YET!
I feel so happy not to be alone! Once I felt annoyed by the fact that I had to go to the bathroom! lol
And your husband won't take anything you do for granted, kind of like getting man points. I bet Kim's video is either pole dancing, or you too can dance exotically!
I eat my breakfast while in front of the computer!!
Once again you are right. So sad, but so true.
Hugs and Mocha,
Your commitment is inspiring and I have a renewed fervor for blogging. You've lit a fire, Francesca, and it can not be contained.
Oh yeah-- that's exactly the point. We're saving the world one blog at a time!! Thank you for justifying what has been a guilty pleasure up to now!!
Francesca for President!
Great post! Can you convince my husband that me going to bed at 2am is a must inorder to comply with your list?
LOL! I love this!! I'm with you on the potentially good side effects to blogging, the most important of which is neighborhood safety!
thanks for visiting my journal (a corgi in Southern California) :)
I'll be back when I can; I love your sense of humor :)
All very good points. I better think of ways to increase my blogging time!
Too funny!
My computer room has a window looking out into the front yard, so Im with you on the neighborhood watch....you can learn alot about your neighbors lurking out the window.
Someone needs to make some clicker bumper stickers pronto!
Have a good weekend!
Basically, what you're saying then, is that blogging is a public service. If those crooks were bloggers they'd have no interest in committing crime because they, too, would be glued to their laptops!! You're on to something....
Clickers Unite! Wonder Twin Powers.... anyone? Anyone? Where's your book deal F~??
Blessings, Carolynn
In one fail swoop, you have erased all my blogging guilt! BLESS YOU! :)
thanks - my guilt is gone and I am going to give the rest of this day to my computer and m&m's (mine are peanut - is that why I'm not losing any weight??)
I just love your site design ... I am still working on mine. But I did take a moment to add you to my "redroll" because I think your posts are hilarious.
Three years ago I started blogging to hone my writing skills and attempt to self-publish in the hopes I could start a writing career part-time. The blogging hours are a butt kicker to really make yourself known. Last Fall I had to scale back when my son needed help with his school work. Brian has a CAPD that shows up as Dysgraphia. When school begins to overwhelm him with reading and writing, I tutor him every night to help him break up the assignments into smaller segments to work through them. There is no choice when it comes to the blog or him - it is always him.
When this happened I lost a bulk of my readers and am having to begin networking yet again.
The bright side is that I get to interact with other great writers like you, and laugh our way through motherhood.
Big hugs,
Yes, I am a total clicker...I admit it and I am kinda proud of it. Maybe we could come up with some sort of sign to put up in the window to alert people that a clicker is present so don't steal my car? Like a neighborhood watch type thing?? Be a dear and see what you can find out...I have many more blogs to read. :)
Oh this was a hilarious post! So true, so true!
I've got another telltale sign that you're a clicker: when you refer to your children by their blog names when having a real conversation. I actually did this the other day. Sad, so sad. :)
That was awesome! My son? He even likes to look at the blogs with me. Total quality time.
Your list is perfect!! I have actually lost 3 pounds in just this last week b/c I hop on the computer right after the kids are in bed and before I know it, 2 hours has passed and I need to get in bed myself. Leaves no time for late night snacking!
You are one funny lady.
The sacrifices one must make in order to get their blogging habit in.
Love IT!!
I took the addictions test, and came out with 77 %, which I thought was rather low, considering I do all that you describe in your post...and considering how much my family complains that I have disappeared off the face of the earth and should really just get a job. And maybe clean the house a bit.
I will no longer feel guilty for blogging...thanks so much! i feel better already for being on here at 10pm...when I should be sleeping because I will have 3 kids by myself all weekend because hubs is out of town. I am gonna be so tired. LOL
Must Blog!
Your post is thought provoking to say the least. I know of someone who also claims her dedication to her blogging and facebook has allowed her 5 year old to be more independent because he has to do much more on his own while she is busy.
You just commented on my blog about my comment moderation on my blog. It makes me sound so ultra lamo, seriously. I know I am, but I have good reasons for it, so I thought I would just let you know.
1- I have a daughter through adoption. Her birthmother is a fantastic lady but is having huge issues letting go. We've been told to keep a low profile, so I have to moderate comments because every now and then a friend will pop in our real names and I can't have that getting out right now. So, I simply retype the comment without it. I know it sounds dumb, but we've been told to do that, and let's face it, my blog would suck if you had to log in to read it. Even I wouldn't go in there.
2- It makes sure I read each comment, cause I'm flighty sometimes and I could go forever without looking at the comments because I'm so busy talking to myself on my little blog. I'm precious that way.
So there you have it. Now I feel a little less geeky, but not really. I should really hit up the security for people like you though. ;) I mean really, I let ANYONE come by, it's shameful, absolutely shameful.
Well now. This gets my "I wish I had thought of that and posted it" seal of approval. Extremely clever and funny stuff here. Plus, eerily true-to-life.
oh Bless you . I;m a big fan of Mercy Me and in my church they worship this kind of music and I love it , to me this is another form of worship and we all in my family listen to it, not very often do I turn on the real radio unless it is dec when they have the christmas non stop we love that.
umm my daughter is in teh childrens choire so we listen to her musice yeah I know a 9 year old listening to this odd these days I count my blessing every day ..
do not get me wrong she slips the jonas brothers talypor swift and hannah now the new girl wizard we which it on and off but she is a fan of mercy me and casting crowns and has there cd's. thanks for asking and stoping byu.
a good finder of these awesome viedos is www.Godtube.com I love it ..
My husband being a former Army guy this was a beautiful song..
Just stalking around..because that's what I do best!
Just wanted to say Hi-My name is Danielle and I'm a clicker!
This was great!
Now I don't feel so guilty!!! :)
It is the green thing to do. You're not wasting food, water, gas--get a solar powered Internet line and you're golden!
And the Babies love nacho cheese. They eat terrible things. It's all their father's fault.
"clicker" huh? I like that!
yeah... I think I feel better too. I was getting concerned because I recently got pulled over and after he let me go with a warning, I immediately thought "I've got to blog about this!"
And that's what I did. But after reading your post, Iam eternally indebted to you because now i realize that I am totally healthy and normal. Thanks.
You saved my life.
I need to go drink breakfast now so I can keep on bloggin'.
Clicker, huh? I've been called worse!
Came over from SITS and I must say that I am almost on the same commitment level you are. My kids and husband though keep finding reasons why I should do more than sit here and blog.
I agree totally!!!!!!!!!!
If the kids won't nap, wrap them in duct tape and stick a sucker in their mouth. I did that back in the day. Works great!! You didn't mention that your family always knows where you are. (that can be a bad thing)
Oh my Gawd!
I'm a clicker.
Is there a twelve step group for this... on line?
But what if you have no qualms about eating at the computer? And the more you blog, the more you eat and become a blob. Not good, I say, not good.
Thanks for stopping by!
I'd go as far as to say "Perfect health and serenity of mind can be achieved through blogging." If I never leave the computer, I cannot come into contact with potentially infectious diseases. I've positioned fencing around the computer desk to keep my germy kids away and placed headphones over my ears to block their cries for attention. It's a win–win.
I love these. So funny. I laughed at your last "I didnt know that" comment on my blog too. Keep making me laugh!!!
Sherrlyn Borkgren Photography
So, so true! But are we seriously expected to get dressed everyday?!?! People can just be so demanding!
Hi! Love your blog I was beginnig to think that something was wrong with me (addiction to blogging/FB/being in the computer)! Yeah as for your question if pedialyte really works for hangovers, yes! I have tried it a couple of times. It provides you with elctrolytes that help out with the dehyration that occurs when your body consumes alcohol. Yeah it takes away the headache too!
I am such a clicker. it isn't even funny.
And now I want a Monster...
48%! I thought I'd do much worse than that :)
"I have recently noticed that I think in a new pattern of short, choppy sentences." Huh, what?
I LOVE THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!
I argue with myself that I WILL NOT log on today - here I am - supposed to be making dinner and I sneak on b/c I did not log on today - BUT instead cleaned my house - and oh is it clean!!!
Literally I almost wet myself!
This. Is. MY. Life. Too funny! I think in short bursts too and everything becomes blog worthy material.
#1 = that is great, LOL
What a very positive outlook on blogging! I feel much better now. Thank you.
Too funny...BLOG-ON!
hi, 3baybchicks.blogspot.com!
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