I have a hard time of letting go of my magazines. Why else would I have copies of Martha Stewart Weddings after having been married for almost four years? All of the glossy, pretty pictures make it impossible for me to throw them out or even donate them to our local library. However, this is all about to change. In 2009, I’m going to be throwing out my old issues and resolve to live a bit greener by reading my magazines online.
To try out reading your magazines online (they have virtually everything available), go to http://goreadgreen.com/ to get your one year subscription, digitally, for FREE. (Free, my favorite word... or it is sale?!)
I subscribed to Working Mother, just to try out the magazine. My electronic subscription allows me to flag my favorite articles. Best of all, if there’s a site recommended in the article, I can simply click on the link and it will take me the website. It took a bit of getting used to, but I really like that I can search topics electronically, instead of thumbing through the magazine, to find exactly what I need. So interactive!!
If you try out a magazine and decide you like this method of reading, you can buy a digital subscription from the Go Read Green Initiative and help buy trees at the same time. A portion of your purchase will be used to purchase eco unit credits and buy more trees.

I subscribed to Working Mother, just to try out the magazine. My electronic subscription allows me to flag my favorite articles. Best of all, if there’s a site recommended in the article, I can simply click on the link and it will take me the website. It took a bit of getting used to, but I really like that I can search topics electronically, instead of thumbing through the magazine, to find exactly what I need. So interactive!!
If you try out a magazine and decide you like this method of reading, you can buy a digital subscription from the Go Read Green Initiative and help buy trees at the same time. A portion of your purchase will be used to purchase eco unit credits and buy more trees.
We can all read and breathe easier.
You many consider donating your old magazines to a kindergarten or first grade classroom. They would be very much appreciated!!!
Hey, that's a good idea! I subscribe to several magazines and sometimes I cringe at all the paper that gets used.
Thanks for the info.
Digital magazines, what a good idea!!
I love this idea of being green and reading magazines online...My only problem is I am giddy like a five year old when my People magazine arrives in the mail. I will strongly consider this but, not sure yet...
FYI, finished my 2009 New Years Award post. Have a great, safe, and happy new year!!!
I second donating your old magazines to a school. Art teachers love having collage fodder, and most schools do recycle.
Thanks for the tip!
I've heard of this, and have always thought about making the eco-friendly switch. I like tearing out pages and filing, but I need to get over that.
I owe the environment a favor to make up for my long, hot showers.
This is a good idea. On a separate note, you sure have a lot of followers! I strive to be as popular as you one day!
Thanks for the Zinio hook-up! Vegetarian Times, here I come!
I keep meaning to scan the articles from my mags that I want to keep but have never gotten around to it. I have stopped buying mags though. I don't even look at them, due to temptation!
Cool beans, I just got Soap Opera Digest! Thanks! Happy New Year!
This is a great idea, because I hate throwing a magazine away when I'm done with it. I usually try to stack 'em up and donate them but this is even better. Hopefully they'll add more titles in the future. :o)
Jill & Deb: thanks for the idea of donating to schools. I am feeling much better about donating now. No need for added guilt for the new year.
Becky: Hope you found a magazine you liked. I cringe all the time at how much is in our recycling but at least we're recycling right?
Seriously?: I,too, get all giddy glossing over those quick reads like US Weekly, Ok Magazine, etc. That's why I haven't gone completely electronic...everything in moderation. :)
Counselormama: We love our followers and don't worry counselormama, we love your blog and soon others will too.
Lori: I have so much making up to do if you're using hot showers as a measure. In our efforts to go green, we got a tankless water heater. Ironically, I now stay in the showers even longer because the hot water is endless. Go figure!
Joy: Go Read Green Initiative's selection is pretty weak but Zinio's selection is much better. Hopefully you'll find something you like there.
Happy New Year, everyone!!
This is a great idea. I don't take the newspaper and I read very few mags, but always hate to toss the finished ones, and usually pass them on to friends. But this is even a better idea. Thanks for sharing.
You know, I love curling up on the couch with a "real" magazine - but I love the idea of cutting down on the clutter. Thank you for the site - I'll look into this!
Thanks for sharing this! I'm the same way with magazines. I even tried to save some of my favorite photos by scanning them and filing! What a waste of time that was! This seems like a great solution!
What a great idea!
I am so guilty of hoarding those pretty magazines. I just know one day, I'll need them. :)
Love the idea of subscribing online. Thanks for the tip.
Awesome! I think "free" is my favorite word!
I just found that site and planned on blogging about it tomorrow.
I will have to check that out. My blog for wfmw is about saving paper too.
I love this idea. There are some I would love to get online and others I want to be able to sit on the couch or at the table to look at. But hey getting rid of one or two is better than nothing.
thanks for the info...going to check it out
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