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Remember When?

Remember when...

You used to stop by this blog and there were new posts?

We'd laugh at the comments we exchanged with one another?

We had a Twitter account and actively participated in social media?

Those were good times.

We miss those days.

As Thuy mentioned in her last post, the Three Bay B Chicks took an unplanned, but needed, vacation from the blogosphere. Turns out there is a great big world outside of the computer; one filled with family, friends, books, television, and many other things that we had forgotten about. However, in taking a break, we also realized how much we truly enjoy blogging and connecting with our Internet friends.

We'd like to come back to the party now, but not entirely in the same manner. Maybe it's best to figure out how to change things up a bit. Bring back the sass and the spice and move forward in a different way.

That is exactly what is happening here. Kacey, Thuy, and Francesca will no longer be posting on Three Bay B Chicks. It is time to bid this blog farewell. We shared some very good times on our little site, but nothing lasts forever.

You can now find Kacey and Francesca regularly at their new site, Mayhem & Moxie. Thuy will even pop in from time to time to share her tips and tales with us. All is still well with the girls by the Bay. We've just moved on...and we are hoping that you will move forward with us.

Many thanks to all our friends and family who read what we wrote here. It's been a pleasure.

Thuy, Francesca, and Kacey

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