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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Best Form of Flattery

When Francesca asked me to share a creative project that I had done during "We Heart Art" week, I broke out in a cold sweat. I've been tossing and turning for the past couple of nights now thinking about what the heck am I going to show. Truth is, I don't know how it happened, but I was born without any creative genes. A true medical anomaly. I've been wrestling with this disorder my entire life; they really should give me a handicap sticker for this condition.

The best way that I deal with this condition is by imitating all the wonderful artists out there on the web, including one of mine and Kacey's favorite artist, Lorena Simonovich of Petit Collage. I adore all her whimsical and adorable collages and always wished I could create them myself. Well, when I saw Lorena on Martha's show last month, I was ecstatic that she was willing to share how she does her beautiful collages. Not only that, but she also shared three of her easy templates. Sweet!!

I just picked up the supplies to start my collage yesterday and can't wait to get started...though, if I don't succeed (with my condition, I regularly suffer from shortness of breath, perception issues, and poor cutting skills), I can always buy Lorena's beautiful work. Those who can't craft, buy.

If you're afflicted like me, stop by Petit Collage and use the discount code "martha" to get 15% off of your order. Is saving money an art because if that's the case, I'm quite an artiste, non?!


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Heather said...

We share the same 'buy, don't craft' gene. Jake and I tackle about one special craft project each week and I'm telling you, it sucks the creative energy right out of me. Every other day the kid has to settle with paper and markers. Mama can only cut out, paper mache, and bend pipe cleaners on Thursdays. Only because she knows Friday will make her world all better! :-)

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I consciously steer clear of "crafting" items because I know I will not actually USE them, except maybe to decorate a present or envelope. But I can live vicariously thru the great projects of others. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is my grandmother has all the talent in the world and non of it fell into my lap. My daughter however seems to be artistic and I don't have a clue how to help her.

Jillene said...

Those collages are ADORABLE!! I too have not one artsy bone in my body. I can, however, draw a mean stick figure!!

Kimberly said...

LOL @ handi cap sticker for the condition!! HAHAHAHA

Sarah said...

Good luck! Cute, whether you paint them or buy them!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I know that I am breaking one of the cardinal 3BBC rules by commenting on this post, but I just couldn't resist. Thuy, I think this may very well be my most favorite post from you on all time. I am going to add it to our sidebar.

You totally made me day with your humor. Thank you, my friend.


Randi Troxell said...

i like to be creative... but its like i dont have the time... lol- i think maybe that what some would call an excuse!!

Amy said...

It turned out wonderful. Great job.

Fiauna said...

"Those who can't craft, buy." I love it. I am a buyer, not a crafter, but it looks like you did great!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I am so craft challenged. I hope I can get it together by the time the dude is old enough for projects. I'm shuddering just thinking about it.

Unknown said...

These collages are so cute! I love them!

Anonymous said...

I want that sticker to so everyone will know I also get short of breath when craft projects are suggested....yikes. The end product is cute though so buy buy buy!! :-)

Felicia - I complete Me said...

I too lack creativity. When I see all the art work and things from others I get so Jealous. You did an excellent job.

Jen said...

you are like me, I can't make things but I do love art. And those are very, very cute.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I didn't mean to give you all the false impression that those collages were done by me. I haven't done them yet but will soon...Those picture are from Petit Collage. I'll show you my end results though when I'm done. Wish me luck!!

parlezvouskiwi said...

Fantastic post! Love the ending. :-)

P.S. There's nothing wrong with finding inspiration from others.

Debbie said...

Most of my crafts rival those of an uncoordinated preschooler. Oh well.

Jennifer said...

I like your style. If it works and you get something cute in the end, why not? No use wasting precious mommy brain energy! ;-)

Counselormama said...

Those look simple enough and are super cute! I used to be creative way back in the day...

Cascia Talbert said...

They are beautiful. I am very artistically challenged. Thank you for sharing this.

Just SO said...

Those are adorable! I can't wait to see yours.