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Monday, April 27, 2009

You Can't Always Get What You Want

I caught myself doing it again; daydreaming about different jobs, daydreaming about working. This time it was rather funny. As I picking up the house after dinner, I glanced up and saw Nina from the Sprout Channel on TV. Nina hosts a nightly series of what I like to call infomercials for pre-schoolers on sign language, Spanish, and crafts. Giancarlo loves her. Actually, I should say he loves both Nina and her fat friend, Star.

(This clip is entirely too long, but you can check out Nina and her pals starting at about 1:00 minute into the video.)

Nina has a pretty great job. She talks to stuffed animals, is always in the same pair of pajamas, and entertains children. Since Nina’s job has many similarities to my own life, I thought, now there is a career for me.

I quit working two years ago this month. I guess it was at that time that I officially became a Stay-At Home Mom, except in my case, I didn’t know that I had acquired a new title until I started blogging some months later. As I quickly learned, many things in blogland have an acronym…LMAO, RLMAO. Even being a Mom that doesn’t work has a special word. However, that acronym I learned while reading dooce.com. On her “About” page, Heather Armstrong describes herself as a SAHM. (Actually, if you want to get really technical, she uses the description "Shit Ass Ho Motherfucker," which might be something I should look into more.)

I am lucky to be at home with my kids. To be able to keep them out of daycare is not a choice that all families have. If I am being really honest, though, I must admit that there are days that I miss the feeling of productivity that I had while working. It is difficult for me to find a substitute, even on our busiest playdate and activity filled days.

In the end, there are no perfect solutions. The balance that I strive for may not be attainable, but I am a big believer that life is what you make it. Therefore, if anyone from Sprout TV happens upon this post, know that I have a pair of playing card pajamas from Las Vegas that could really rock your Good Night Show.

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Unknown said...

You would rock on TV.

I'd watch you.

But you rock as a mom, too.

Keep up the good WORK.

Jillene said...

So true, so VERY true. I have been a SAHM for 9 years now ans while I love every minute of it----I miss adult converstaion.

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I guess the grass is always greener....I wish for nothing more than to be a SAHM :) A domestic engineer if you will....ah well....maybe I should try for Nina's job as well!!

Erin said...

Nina once made these really cute egg shells with dirt and grass seeds in them, and the grass grew and she drew a face on the eggs and they were adorable little heads with green grass hair.

Did I just admit that I like Sprout?

Thanks for a great post!

He & Me + 3 said...

I am blessed to be at home for my kids too. Doesn't hurt to keep your resume & PJ's fresh though incase something opens...like the good night show.

Counselormama said...

Before Nina, there was Melanie...Kylie LOVED her but she was abrubtly fired when Sprout found out about some "Public Service Announcements" she filmed back in the day. Too bad!

ymK said...

Staying at home with kids was a choice I made, and yes its tough and awesome at the same time, but what I hate most is when people ask 'what did you do today'. Unlike other jobs, at the end of a SAHM's day, we don't have much to show.
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my post.

Amy said...

That show station has a lot of different things on it. I know you would do a great job if they hire you. Have a great night.

B said...

I'd tune in to watch you on tv for sure, and I even agree that you can't always get what you want (sad sometimes) and life IS what you make it. I think sometimes we don't try hard enough to make it what we want and we just dream about how those with the other situation have it better. Though, my day would be brighter with a speckle of adult conversation here and there.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking a ponytail on the top your head would round out the outfit fabulously.

I recently became a SAHM, but with no kid here, I'll have to think of another definition for the acronym. ;p

Carin said...

i'd watch you too! maybe you could start your own show!!!!! kristi would be a great screen writer!

Jennifer said...

LOL! I feel the same, exact way. Productivity now-a-days means taking food out of my baby's ear.

Kristina P. said...

Maybe we could have a show together, where I could be topless.

theUngourmet said...

I am very fickle! When I work I feel like I should be home and when I am home I feel like I need to go back to work! It's crazy!

Anonymous said...

No, that balance may not be attainable, but nothing IS attainable unless you strive for it. Good for you. ~Mary

Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Well you're no Barney but I would probably enjoy watching you....you CAN sing and dance, of course...right??


Sevi said...

"Shit Ass Ho Motherfucker"

I nearly pissed my pants at that. OMG!

That Girl said...

Ah, the question every SAHM asks herself on the all-too-few bad or boring days.

I don't love EVERY MINUTE of it. Who does? Seriously?

But I always remind myself that the best moments with my children are hundreds of times better than the best moments in the work force.

And that's a wrap!

Heather of the EO said...

Me too. I think about the difference in the daily grind a lot. I sometimes wonder if there's more to me than poop and dishes. And there is. I have other "gifts." And sometimes it surprises me that I'm using a lot of them without noticing as a SAHM (thanks, Dooce. Now I can't use that acronym without swears) :)

But yeah. I hear ya. That's what I'm trying to say...

Anonymous said...

That does sound like a great job!

I nanny full time for a sahm...

Deb said...

How wonderful that you get to be a SAHM.

No matter what meaning you give the acronym...

Unknown said...

My job is very similar to Nina's and I love it....I'm a SAHM.....Still A Hot Mema! Don't short change yourself, staying home with your kids is hard work. The hours suck, the pay isn't great, but the benefits are the best, hugs and kisses 24/7.

Esther said...

I think being a SAHM is the most rewarding and/or frustrating job out there! All the same, I'd rather do this than anything else!

Kameron said...

I bet you could craft circles around Nina. She always makes the brokest looking projects! I wish I could stay at home. I know how much child care costs in SF so I don't blame you for staying home! If we could afford it I would gladly joing that SAHM club!

missy said...

that does sound like an awesome job.....if you get in the door.......please look me up....i think i could stay in my pj's and talk to stuffed animals....and get a pay check?!!?!?!?!??!

Helene said...

It's a bittersweet thing, isn't it? I treasure the opportunity to stay home with my kids while they're all still young, yet at the same time, I miss feeling productive outside the home and that feeling of adult companionship that I had with my co-workers. But I do have to say I strongly admire my friends who do work full-time outside the home...I don't know how they juggle it all. It's like they have 2 full-time jobs. Surely, that would send me over the edge!

I think you would totally rock being on a kid's show!!

Mainly a midwife said...

Being a SAHM is definitely the hardest thing I've ever done. I do work 1 or 2 days a month (like a Saturday night shift). I agonize leaving the house but once I am there I'm happy to be there. I'm so glad that I don't have to get up and leave the house everyday. Although..it might stay cleaner.

Julie said...

Too funny! I'd love to get paid to stay in my pj's! LOL!

CG said...

How cute was this post! I so want to see those playing card PJs! LOL!

Mrsbear said...

Nina has a sweet gig. I didn't know I could put "lounging in my PJs" on my resume. But I do it so well.

I know I'm lucky to stay home with the kids, I've been doing it for almost six years now. It's worth the trade, although I wouldn't mind an uninterrupted lunch break every now and again.

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

I am right there with you. I LOVE staying home, yet find myself jealous of my husband's quiet, calm, clean office... We joke about it alot around here. I wouldn't change a thing, but I do find myself daydreaming!

Mrs. Nurse Boy

Heather said...

I would totally watch your Sprout show!

I hate when people assume that SAHM don't have a job. Who do they think cleans up the piddle puddles left by grown men, and clean up all the wall art? Geez.

Nana said...

When I was a young mother I had those same feelings. I think we all do.

Now that I am older I am so so happy I decided to stay home!! Especially when my kids were teens. Even though I felt more like their parole officer most of the time. Who knows what they have gotten themselves into if I wasn't home bugging their bedrooms, going through their mail, reading their journals, going through their closets, making them pee in a cup. You know all the normal stuff.

Kathy B! said...

I used to be conflicted by my choices.... but there are so many opportunities as a result. Turn your back on the doors YOU have closed and embrace those that YOU might open. They are many :)

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

I think you've got a pretty good start on your tv career with your chick chat series. Just do the next one in the card jammies and your phone will be ringing off the hook.
But I do know how you feel about the SAHM thing. I think it's just one of those things that I won't truly appreciate until they're grown and fabulous because I made the decision to stay home with them. At least that's what I tell myself. And not that the reason they'll be in therapy 3 times a week is because I made the decision to stay home with them. ;o)

The Blonde Duck said...

Maybe you could post videos on the blog! Then you could live out your dream and stay at home. Then you'll get discovered and BOOM! Millions!

Courtney and the Boys said...

I would love to see you on TV. You'd be so entertaining. :)

Barbaloot said...

I want to have a star-shaped friend. He (she? it?) looks fun.

I think you should shoot for being a kids' informercial lady. I'd totally watch it:)

Just SO said...

I've been a stay at home mom for 14 years. It's something that my husband and I both really wanted so we made it work. There have been times I wished that I had a job though. Just to get a "break" from being a mom. Which never really happens does it? Now that my kids are older and all in school I'm looking into working outside the home. But it would only be for the time that the kids are in school. I want to be home for them when they get out of school in case they need someone to talk to.

Being a mom is hard. No matter if you have a job outside the home or are a stay at home mom.

Jo said...

That poor fat star looks very uncomfy on the couch, doing the splits like that. Poor thing.
My husband thinks I eat bon bons and watch tv all day. We won't tell him about the internet, shall we?

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Amen, sister! I love being a stay at home mom, but there are days when I feel like I need to do something different to be productive.

wendy said...

oh I would love to see you rock those pj's.
i am telling you you should do a cooking for kids thing - maybe your niche could be wearing the pj's to cook??

from the desk of ....me said...

thanks for being so honest about your feelings. i think as moms we need to accept that neither side is perfect. each choice has it's ups and downs and we all find our peace within our decisions. kudos, to all moms for doing the best we can...regardless of if we work outside the home or are sahm.

Technodoll said...

I think the world would be a far better place if more children were raised with love by their parents for as long as possible before being dumped into daycare... who's raising our kids, when you think of it?

Kudos to you and trust me, it is all worth it :-)

(my mom was a SAHM until I was 8 years old and to this day she is my hero)

Grand Pooba said...

Oh you would be perfect for that show! I would watch it every day and that says a lot since I don't have any kids to blame it on! That's one thing I am a little iffy about when starting a fam. To work or not to work? That's why I always look up to SAHMs because they have the HARDEST job ever!

(I also like Dooce's definition of SAHM better and I have much respect for those SAHMs too!)

Becky said...

Looks like an interesting show and it definately sounds like you're qaulified to appear on it!!
I am blessed to have the choice to stay at home with my girls but lately I have found it to be such a struggle.
Thanks for sharing this with us :)

joanofalltrades said...

I think you'd be a great Nina. But you'll have to lose that potty mouth..tisk, tisk. LOL!

Unknown said...

Francesca, why don't you just email me your address and I'll send ya a little cosmo bag...there's green for ya!

Stesha said...

Oh, Francesca must I tell everyone your true reason for wearing those pajamas from Vegas?

We all know it brings you one step closer to realizing your dream of becoming a stripper. So sad. So true.

Hugs and Mocha,

Sarah said...

We don't get the sprout channel, looks interesting.

I think I would like being a SAHM...but I worry that I would stink at it! :)

Gibby said...

I am SO with you on this one. I have been "retired" for almost 8 years now, which boggles my mind. There are days when I would love to be doing the career thing, but then again, there are those days here at home that go perfectly and then I remind myself how lucky I really am.

The High Family said...

You took the words RIGHT.OUT.OF.MY.MOUTH! This is EXACTLY how I feel every day.

I could so do Nina's job too. I practically live in my PJ's half the week. I know sign language (ok so only the BabySigns but it's a good start) and my BFF Lina in Puerto Rico is only a phone call away for when I need some Spanish review! Look out Nina!!! ;)

And OMG- did you just call Star from Sprout "Big Fat Friend"? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you!

PS- I think you are an awesome mommy.