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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Give Respect

My sister’s nonprofit, The Family Violence Prevention Fund, just launched their Give Respect website and campaign.

This site has a ton of resources for you and your family regarding healthy relationships. Even if you are not directly affected by violence in your home, you probably know of someone who has been in a toxic relationship. At my school, I hear many heartbreaking stories from my students about family members and friends being treated badly.

If you click under the families or parent’s corner section on the Give Respect website, you will find many files which may be used to talk to your child and family about violence and respect. The table topics for dinner discussion are especially great if you have tweens or teens in your home.

In addition to this great information, you can also find additional resources to support the fund, such as purchasing a bracelet at a participating Macy’s for $5.

Lastly, if you find this website as compelling as I do, please click here and add a Give Respect button to your blog, so that your followers and friends may learn more about this worthy cause.

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Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Kacey - thanks so much for sharing this, this is an issue close to my BabyMama's heart, in honor of her I will absolutely add this button to my blog.


Green said...

This is a great cause. An issue that really doesn't get much "light"...thanks!

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

Beautiful... thanks for sharing this!

Kailey said...

That's really great!

Karen M. Peterson said...

Thank you for sharing information about this great cause.

While violence is, thankfully, no longer a part of my life, I was once affected by it and I am really glad to hear about this website. I think it will be a valuable resource for families.

Teach.Workout.Love said...

What cute little babies u have!!!

Randi Troxell said...

thnx for telling us about that ... i am heading over there right now!

Anonymous said...

Kacey thank you I will read it and refer my patient's to it alot of them, (especially by having a mental disease), have very strained relationships!

Heather said...

What a great cause! It's nice to see more light being shed on such prominent problems like domestic violence.

The Blonde Duck said...

Is it wrong all I can hear is "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" blaring in my head?

I'm like the four year old giggling at the buisness meeting.

And F, we are pie-soul mates!

Counselormama said...

I love that motto, Give respect, if more people did that on all levels the world would be a better place!

Just SO said...

What a great website and cause. Awesome.

bernthis said...

Your sister rocks! I volunteer in a hospital and it is the thing that I love most about living in L.A. Actually, one of the only things LOL

MoodyMommy said...

Thank you for posting this information!! Very helpful!!!