Hello, my name is Thuy and I'm a Google Addict. Seriously, is there such a support group? Lately, my love for Google has spanned beyond the computer screen. I now use my cell phone to Google when I'm out and about.
I use the Google SMS Text feature (# 466453) to answer all sorts of questions. If you can send and receive text messages, you can use this feature, and since I have unlimited text capabilities on my phone, I use this feature constantly. It responds quickly, sometimes almost immediately after you send your question. I've used Google SMS Text to get directions (directions to oakland ca 94107), check my flight status (SWA 112), find restaurants in my area (sushi 94618), get weather forecasts (weather Oakland), and find word definitions (define addict). All this without having to talk to anyone or call the husband to ask for directions.
Check out this cool video from the Google folks demonstrating how it works:
You can try out this feature and learn about other queries at Google SMS Text.
Warning, though, once you start using Google SMS Text, I might be seeing you at my Girl's Gone Google support group meeting.
I'm not that techie yet. Just happy to know how to blog.
never knew that. thanks!!
I'm thinking we should start a geek support group for people like us.
Thanks for reminding me about this. I've had this stored in my phone for a while and forgot it was there. I've used it for restaurant recommendations in the past. It's great!
I never knew that existed. I will have to try it out sometime. :)
Wow thanks! I love google,and this will definitely come in handy!
Okay... I don't have umlimited text... so I'm not EVEN going to get started. I know I would cause some major havoc on my phone bill if I did... I will program it into my phone though.
In case of an emergency, of course :)
Oh no, something else to be addicted to! Thanks for the info, ia m going to try it!
I will check it out in between my blog and facebook and e-mails and my new phone...I wonder if I am still married? I better check my e-mail and find out. :)
OMG that is SO funny! I LOVE Google too!! Other searches are just NOT the same...and twice, I've found PORN in innocent Yahoo searches, so I quit using them...
Wow! Google is really all-powerful, isn't it?
Hi Y'all - should I say y'all?? I don't think I've ever come across a multi-owner blog before?? Thanks for visiting me the other day - I've been meaning to stop in, but I've been busy at work and blah, blah, blah!!
I'm not even going to try to understand what your post was about - I've just in the past year learned how to text my daughter and that is about all the techno stuff I can do and handle!!
Come back to visit soon and have a good weekend ~
What a great idea!
I cant even text message...geesh makin the rest of us look bad lol
I do LOVE google tho
As fate would have it, a fellow blogger asked me to do a big wedding post for a event she's having. So you'll get the ENTIRE story by Tuesday!
First of all, the blog looks FAB!!! Well done three little chickies, Well Done!! =)
Thuy, I am a google-holic as well. And with my iPhone being practically surgically joined to my hip, I am a googling fool. What did we ever do without Google??
I think I will pass. My tech. abilities only go so far. It takes me half an hour to text, hello.
I never knew you could do that much with Google!! Good to know!
Thus far I've refused to get texting. I'm the last holdout in the family.
Love the new look ladies!! The header looks great and I'm very jealous of your three columns!
I'm a techie geek too and I love Google texting...I am always using it to get phone numbers!!
You are definitely not alone in your Google addiction.
How did I not know this??? I am the google queen. That's awesome that I can do it on my phone. Thanks!
thanks so much this may be very useful to me
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